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Evelyne Lhoste

Researcher at INRAE

Evelyne Lhoste is an analyst in science and technologies studies at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS – UPEM – Marne la Vallée). Her research activity addresses the regimes of knowledge production and circulation in the context of digital transformation. Her recent work was dedicated to innovation by users in DIY labs/third places. She is involved in the renewal of innovation studies that focus on collaborative practices (participatory research).

Key words: open labs, communities, project ecologies, actor-network theory, organization studies, project-based organizations, innovation by users, participatory research.

Teaching activities:

  • The sociology of innovation (at the UPEM)
  • Ethics issues in animal research (at the ESITPA Rennes)
  • The socio-history of the organic movement in France (at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin)

Selected bibliography:

  1. “Can Do-It-Yourself Laboratories open up the Science, Technology, and Innovation Research System to Civil Society?” (submitted to Technological Forecasting and Social Change).
  2. Lhoste, E.F. (2020). “Des communautés de makers aux communautés épistémiques : inclure par le faire ou par les pairs ?”, working paper:
  3. Lhoste, E.F. (2020). “Les tiers-lieux peuvent-ils ouvrir le système de recherche et d’innovation à la société civile ?”, Cahiers de l’action, June 2020.
  4. Lhoste, E.F., and Joly, P.B. (forthcoming). “Les recherches participatives : une forme d’organisation alternative au système de recherche et d’innovation ?”, in Organisations alternatives, (ed.) A. Bécheur.
  5. Colmellere, C., and Lacour, S. (2019). “Entretien avec Évelyne Lhoste”, Sociologies pratiques, 38(1), 31-34.
  6. Lhoste, E., Barbier, M. (2018). “The institutionalization of making: the entrepreneurship of sociomaterialities that matters”, Journal of Peer Production, 12 (1), 111-128.
  7. Lhoste, E. (2017). “Les fablabs transforment-ils les pratiques de médiation ?”, Cahiers de l’Action, 2 (48), 15-22.
  8. Lhoste, E., Barbier, M. (2016). “Fablabs : l’institutionnalisation de tiers-lieux du hacking soft”, Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances, 10 (1), 43-69.