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Marc Barbier

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Senior researcher at INRAe and Director of IFRIS and the SITES LabEx

Bilel Benbouzid

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Academic Researcher at the UGE

Gabrielle Bouleau

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Engineer and Researcher at the INRAE

Philippe Brunet

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Academic Researcher at the UGE

François Dedieu

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Senior Researcher at INRAE

David Demortain

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Senior Researcher at INRAE and Director of LISIS

Eve Fouilleux

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Senior Researcher at the CNRS

Pierre-Benoit Joly

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Senior researcher at the INRAE

Baptiste Kotras

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Research Fellow at the INRAE

Philippe Larédo

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Senior Researcher at the ENPC

Evelyne Lhoste

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Researcher at INRAE

Yves Lichtenberger

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Professor Emeritus at the UGE

Allison Loconto

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Senior Researcher at INRAE, Deputy Director of LISIS

Mireille Matt

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Research Director at the INRAE

Laura Maxim

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Researcher at the CNRS

Marianne Noël

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Research Engineer at the CNRS

Catherine Paradeise

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Professor Emeritus at the UGE

Benjamin Raimbault

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Academic Researcher at the ESIEE Paris