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Marianne Noël

Research Engineer at the CNRS

Marianne Noël, a research engineer at LISIS, looks at transformations in knowledge production regimes and institutions in the field of chemistry, the academic discipline in which she started her career. Based on qualitative studies carried out in the context of international comparison, she analyses transformations in the academic field from the vantage point offered by the review process. In December 2012, she started a PhD in sociology, focusing on the scientific publishing market in chemistry (from the angle of market agencing (Callon 2013)) and its transformations, in particular under the impact of open access policies. Her research is at a interface between science and technology studies (STS) and economic sociology. Her activities fall under LISIS pillars 3 (evaluation and valuation of innovations) and 4 (describing and analysing the digital imprints of science on society).

Since the beginning of the 2014 academic year, Marianne Noël has been coordinating an STS course (50 hours) for the Bachelor’s degree in the Frontiers of the Living (Licence 1 Frontières du Vivant) at the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires (Université Paris Descartes), which she supervised along with a group of IFRIS PhD students. She is also responsible for international relations for the IFRIS, of which she was deputy director for three years, and supervises IFRIS’s programme to support young researchers looking to study and conduct research abroad.


Articles and book chapters:

  • Liana Ermakova, Frédérique Bordignon, Nicolas Turenne, and Marianne Noel. “Is the Abstract a Mere Teaser? Evaluating Generosity of Article Abstracts in the Environmental Sciences”, Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 3:16 – 16, May 2018. doi: 10.3389/frma.2018.00016. URL
  • Marianne Noel. “La construction de la valeur économique d’une revue en chimie. Le cas du Journal of the American Chemical Society (1879-2010)”, Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, (11):1879-2010, 2017a. doi: 10.4000/rfsic.3281. URL
  • Julie Le Bot and Marianne Noel. “‘Making and Doing’ at 4S Meeting (Denver): Let’s extend the experiment!”, EASST Review, 35(1):34-37, March 2016. URL
  • Catherine Paradeise, Marianne Noel, and Gaële Goastellec. “Pressions du marché, recomposition des alliances disciplinaires et épistémologies”, in Adriana Gorga and Jean-Philippe Leresche, editor, Disciplines académiques en transformation : entre innovation et résistance, pages 19-37. Editions des Archives Contemporaines, January 2015. URL
  • Mathieu Quet and Marianne Noel. “From Politics to Academics: Political Activism and the Emergence of Science and Technology Studies in South Korea”, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: An International Journal, 8(2):175-193, March 2014. doi: 10.1215/18752160-2416948. URL
  • Marianne Noel. “Transformation des modes de production dans les sciences du vivant. Biologie à haut débit, plateformes, brevets”, 2012b. URL hal-00842322.


  • Marianne Noel, review of the book: Charvolin, F., A. Micoud, L. Nyhart (eds) Des sciences citoyennes ? La question de l’amateur dans les sciences naturalistes, Paris, Éditions de l’Aube, 2007. Available online at
  • Néron Adeline, Marianne Noel. “Compte-rendu de l’ouvrage Marie-Angèle Hermitte, Le droit saisi au vif. Sciences, technologies, formes de vie. Entretiens avec Francis Chateauraynaud”, Paris, Pétra, 2013”. Réseaux, La Découverte, 2015, p. 215-229. ?10.3917/res.189.0215>