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Pierre-Benoit Joly

Senior researcher at the INRAE

Pierre-Benoit Joly is a specialist in science and technology studies (STS) and is a senior researcher at INRAE. He was the director of the Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (IFRIS) and the SITES LabEx between 2011 and 2014 and is currently the director of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS) UMR. A specialist in economics and the sociology of innovation, he has been looking at the social control of knowledge construction and at innovation production dynamics since 1996. Based on various investigations into the interactions between science, democracy, and the market, he analyses contemporary transformations in the public space of science, and new modes of governing innovation and risks. P.-B. Joly has coordinated or participated in several research projects at the European level. He has published five books, edited four special issues of scientific journals, and written more than 110 articles or book chapters. He currently teaches at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and the UPEM.

Pierre-Benoît Joly chaired the scientific committee of the “Risques Collectifs et Situations de Crise” GIS (2001-2004) and was a member of the European Commission’s “Science and governance” expert group (2005-2007) as well as the European Science Foundation’s “Science and Society” work group (2012-2013). He is currently a member of the committee of the European Association for the Studies of Science and Technology (EASST), the SH2 panel of the European Research Council (ERC), the Comité de Prévention et de Précaution, and of the ethics committees of IRSTEA and IFSTTAR. He is also chairperson of the scientific committee of the French Ministry of the Environment’s RiskOGM Programme and is co-chair of the Alliance Sciences Sociétés (ALLISS) association. He also sits on the editorial committees of the journals Minerva and Natures Sciences Sociétés.

Pierre-Benoit Joly is an agricultural engineer (ESAP, 1982) who also holds a PhD in economics (Université Toulouse 1, 1987). He has received accreditation to supervise research (HDR) (Université PMF Grenoble, 1995).

Selected bibliography:

  • Bonneuil, C., Joly, P.B., Marris, C. (2008). “Disentrenching experiment? The construction of GM-crop field trials as a social problem in France”, Science, Technology and Human Values, 33(2): 201-229.
  • Joly, P.B. (2010). “On the Economics of Techno-scientific Promises”, in Akrich, M., Barthe, Y., Muniesa, F., Mustar, P. (eds) Débordements. Mélanges offerts à Michel Callon, Paris: Presse des Mines, p. 203-222.
  • Bonneuil, C., Joly, P.B. (2013). Sciences, Techniques et Société, Paris: La Découverte.
  • Selmi, A., Joly, P.B. (2014). “Les régimes de production des connaissances de la sélection animale. Ontologies, mesures, formes de régulation”, Sociologie du travail, No. 56 (2014), p. 225-244.
  • Joly, P.B. (2015). “Governing emerging technologies – The need to think out of the (black) box”, in Hagendijk, R., Hilgartner, S., Miller, C. Science and Democracy: Making Knowledge and Making Power in the Biosciences and Beyond, London: Routledge.

Joly, P.B., Matt, M., Gaunand, A., Colinet, L., Larédo, P., Lemarié, S. (2015). “ASIRPA: a comprehensive theory-based approach to assess societal impacts of a research organization”, Research Evaluation, doi:10.1093/reseval/rvv015