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Sylvère Angot


Researcher at the UGE

Thesis defended at the LISIS on 20 January 2020:
La “modernisation de l’Etat”, indifférente à l’expertise des services en territoires. La Réforme de l’administration territoriale de l’Etat dans les domaines de la cohésion sociale et du développement durable (2009-2015). Director: Vincent Spenlehauer (LISIS – École des Ponts ParisTech)

Thesis abstract:
The Révision générale des politiques publiques (French general revision of public policies, RGPP), carried out between 2007 and 2012, applied a managerial logic to public management by merging government departments and substantially reducing the number of civil servants. At the same time, the state reorganized its territorial expertise, prioritizing the regional level, which was forced to adopt a new arsenal of administration instruments and technologies, such as monitoring centres (observatoires), operating reports, the facilitation of local policies, strategic management and the evaluation of public policies, etc. The implementation of this reform called the intervention mechanisms of the state and its agents into question by challenging professional know-how and reconfiguring the functional ties between levels of public action. This thesis examines these changes at work by analysing three public policies: policies pertaining to youth and collective care for minors; energy efficiency upgrading devices targeted at private individuals; and the policy to provide housing access to the poorest members of society.

Research fields:
Decentralized state services

Professions and expertise

Analysis of public action

Youth and popular education


Teaching activities:
École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État (ENTPE), first-year course “Introduction aux sciences sociales”, third-year course “Sociologie politique”, 2017 – 2020
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon, course “Sociologie de l’habiter”, thesis supervision, 2017-2020
École des Ponts ParisTech, first-year course “Sciences, Techniques et Controverses”, 2012-2014
Institut Français d’Urbanisme, Master 1 course “Ville et Environnement”, 2011-2014
Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée, Master 2 course “Évaluation des Politiques Publiques”, 2012-2014

Recent publications:

Angot S., “Les impensés de l’organisation imaginée par la nouvelle gestion publique”, Millénaire 3, Grand Lyon, 2018


Sylvère, A., Cottin-Marx S., “Accompagner les associations. De l’éducation populaire aux politiques de l’emploi”, Mouvements, 2015/1, No. 81

Sylvère, A., “Plans climat-énergie territoriaux et Agendas 21. Des outils institutionnels au service de la transition ?”, Mouvements 2013/3, No. 75

Sylvère, A., Gabillet, P., “Pour une sociologie de la gouvernance politico-administrative locale des questions d’énergie-climat” in Zélem Marie-Christine, Beslay Christophe (eds), Sociologie de l’énergie. Gouvernance et pratiques sociales, CNRS Editions, Coll. Alpha, June 2015, 476 p.