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Tatiane Alves Baptista

Professor ALVES BAPTISTA was trained in social work  at large at University Rio de Janeiro State – UERJ.  She received her Master and PhD and at the  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ.  Nowadays she is Professor by  University of Rio de Janeiro State  and held many positions of responsibility in this institution, such as the Coordinator of Strategic Studies and Development of the University, working on the development of the STRATEGIC INTERIORIZATION AND EXPANSION PLAN, and  the Coordinator of Executive Group of the Industrial Complex of the Life Sciences – GECIV (involving biotechnology companies to implement the Biotechnology Cluster in partnership with new courses in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnology of UERJ). She is currently a researcher and member of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) and coordinator of the Research Project THE ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY AS A VECTOR OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FROM ITS INTERFACE WITH THE DEMANDS OF SOCIETY.

Recent Publications:

BAPTISTA, T. A.; ROZENTAL, D. U. ; PADUA, V. L. M. ; CHAGAS, E. F. ; MACRAE, F. R. T. ; STEPHENS, P. R. S. ; PAES, MARCIA CRISTINA ; SALERNO, A. P. ; OLIVEIRA, A. M. C. ; QUEIROZ, R. . Recursos Humanos em Biotecnologia: instituições, formação e mercado de trabalho no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. SINERGIA (IFSP. ONLINE), v. 19, p. 126-132, 2018.

BAPTISTA, TATIANE ALVES & LAZARO, André. No olho do furacão. In: Phellipe Marcel, Iuri Parvan, Mauro Siqueira. (Org.). Hoje Acordei pra Luta: Intelectuais pela Universidade Pública. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: EDUERJ, 2017, v. 1, p. 207-221.

BAPTISTA, TATIANE ALVES; PAES, MARCIA CRISTINA . Biotecnologia no Rio de Janeiro: análise de cenário com foco em recursos humanos. CADERNOS DO DESENVOLVIMENTO FLUMINENSE, v. 1, p. 184-199, 2014.
