Marc Barbier is an organizational science and sociology researcher and has been conducting research on transformations in the knowledge and innovation production regime in the field of agriculture for the past 20 years, with deep roots in social and historical science and technology studies.
As a part of this research programme, he has looked at configurations of the transformation of agricultural research, including environmental crises related to nitrates and pesticides, the normative and performative deployment of sustainable development, and currently agroecology and the emergence of new fields of research around social issues such as biofuels, biodiversity, and ecosystem services.
He was responsible for creating INRA’s Sciences en Société ( unit (INRA website: in 2010 at the e Université Paris-Est campus, and is currently overseeing the deployment of a strong scientific presence from the INRA at the Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (, of which he is the present director. Furthermore, he directed the CorTexT platform (, a hub of research and tools for designing an instrument to reconfigure social science and humanities research based on the processing of digital textual traces. He also oversaw the project to design the CorTexTManager ( web application.
Marc Barbier the creator and director of the DIGIS Graduate Programme at the Université Gustave Eiffel Graduate School. He regularly teaches Master’s courses, including the course in science studies and the anthropology of knowledge, in the Master’s degree in agroecology, knowledge, territories, and society (Master Agroécologie, Connaissances, Territoires Et Société, ACTES) taught at AgroParisTech, the Université Paris-Saclay, and the MHN; as well as in the Master’s degree in data science and digital society (Master Data Science et Société Numérique, D2SN) delivered at the Université Gustave Eiffel, which teaches “digital methods” applicable to social science and the humanities.
In terms of editorial activities, he is co-editor of the Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances (, a scientific journal created in 2007 and published by the Société d’Anthropologie des Connaissances ( In terms of scientific activities, he is a member of the scientific communities of the EASST ( and the STRN ( and also participated in the creation of an international research cluster on transitions ( He is a member of INRA’s social science researcher scientific evaluation committee (the CSS SESG) and was previously a member of the scientific committee of AgroParisTech ( and the Commission Pluraliste REPERE (
Selected bibliography:
- Barbier, M., Lumbroso, S., Thomas, J., Treyer, S. (2021). “The manufacture of futures and the agroecological transition. Deciphering pathways for sustainability transition in France”, in Danièle Magda and Claire Lamine (eds). Agroecological transitions, between determinist and open-ended visions,
- Stephens, R., Barbier, M. (2020). “Digital fooding, cashless marketplaces and reconnection in intermediated third places: Conceptualizing metropolitan food provision in the age of prosumption”, Journal of Rural Studies, 82: 366-379.
- Lamine, C., Barbier, M., & Derbez, F. (2020). “L’indétermination performative d’instruments d’action publique pour la transition agroécologique”, in Mehdi Arrignon and Christel Bosc (eds). Les transitions agroécologiques en France : Enjeux, conditions et modalités du changement, Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal.
- Lhoste, E., Barbier, M. (2018). “The institutionalization of making: the entrepreneurship of sociomaterialities that matters”, Journal of Peer Production, 12 (1), 111-128.
- Elzen, B., Augustyn, A., Barbier, M., van Mierlo, B. (2017). AgroEcological Transitions: Changes and Breakthroughs in the Making. Wageningen University & Research. 302p.
- Arpin, I., Barbier, M., Ollivier, G., Granjou, C. (2016). “Institutional entrepreneurship and techniques of inclusiveness in the creation of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”, Ecology & Society, 21(4):11.
- Doré, A., Barbier, M. (2015). “Maintenir la vigilance. Les objets-frontière-transitionnel dans la pérennisation des dispositifs de surveillance des ‘soldats de Dieu’”, Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances, 9 (2), p. 189-212.
- Mauz, I., Barbier, M., Granjou, C., and Breucker, P. (2014). “Making taxonomy environmentally relevant. Insights from an All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory”, Environmental Science and Policy, Volume 38 (April 2014), p. 254-262.
- Tancoigne, T., Barbier, M., Cointet, J-P., and Richard, G. (2014). “The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services”, Ecosystem Services,
- Loconto, A., and Barbier, M. (2014). “Transitioning sustainability: performing ‘governing by standards’”, in Susana Borrás and Jakob Edler (eds). Governance of Socio-Technical Systems, Edward Elgar EU-SPRI Series.
- Barbier, M., Cauchard, L., Joly, P., Paradeise, C. & Vinck, D. (2013). “Pour une Approche pragmatique, écologique et politique de l’expertise”, Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 1(1), 1-23.
- Barbier, M., Elzen, E. (2012). System Innovations, Knowledge Regimes, and Design Practices towards Transitions for Sustainable Agriculture, Éditions Inra, [online, CC], Paris.
- Granjou, C., and Barbier, M. (2010). Les métamorphoses de l’expertise, Éditions MSHS Paris & Quae.