Salman Scarlett, 2019. “Aux sources du coaching et de ses morales. Généalogie des relations entre psychologie et management (1930-2018)”, Ethnologie française, XLIX, 4, pp. 653-670.
Research areas:
- The economic sociology of work, organizations, and professions
- The sociology of health (mental health, occupational health)
- The sociology of law
- Coaching, executive work and careers, neo-management, management devices, occupational medicine, occupational psychology, psychosocial risks, quality of life at work.
Current research projects:
Educational and administrative responsibilities:
- Director of the Bachelor’s degree programme in social professions (Licence 3 Métiers du social)at the UPEM, SHS UFR.
- Director of the PhD Program in the foundations of social science research (Fondamentaux de la recherche en sciences sociales) (2 x 30 hours), Department of Doctoral Studies, UPE-Université Paris-Est (with F. Allard-Poesi).
- Supervisor of the ‘Crises et Risques’ module of the Specialized Master’s degree in public policy and action for sdstainable Development (Mastère Spécialisé Politiques et Actions Publiques pour le Développement Durable, MDAPDD) at the École des Ponts ParisTech (with F. Dedieu).
- Supervision of thesis projects for the M1 and M2 Master’s degrees in social sScience – combined specialty in MACOR and corporate communication and social media (Master Sciences Sociales – Parcours Commun Macor et Communication des entreprises et médias sociaux); for the Master’s degree in teaching, education, and training professions (Master Métiers de l’enseignement, de l’éducation et de la formation’, MEEF); and for the MPADD at the École des Ponts ParisTech.
- Member of the thesis board at the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre and the thesis committee of the EHESS.
- Supervision of learning for the Master’s degree in communication and social media (Master 2 Communication et médias sociaux).
Teaching activities:
- “Politiques sociales”, 3rd-year course for the Bachelor’s degree in Sociology at the UPEM.
- “Sociologie du travail et de l’activité”, course for the Master’s degree in social science – change management, skills, and organisation option (Master 1 Sciences Sociales – Parcours Conduite du Changement, Compétences et Organisation (MACOR)) at the UPEM.
- “Le numérique en entreprise”, course for the Master’s degree in social science – combined specialty in MACOR and corporate communication and social media (Master 1 Sciences Sociales – Parcours Commun Macor et Communication des entreprises et médias sociaux) at the UPEM.
- “Santé au travail”, course for the Master’s degree in social science – change, skills, and organization management option (Master 2 Sciences Sociales – Parcours Conduite du Changement, Compétences et Organisation (MACOR)) at the UPEM.
- “Méthodologie d’enquête en sciences sociales et action publique”, course for the specialized Master’s degree in public policy and action for sustainable development (Mastère spécialisé Politiques et Actions Publiques pour le Développement Durable’, MDAPDD) at the École des Ponts ParisTech.
- “Crises et risques”, course for the specialized Master’s degree in public policy and action for sustainable development (Mastère spécialisé Politiques et Actions Publiques pour le Développement Durable, MDAPDD) at the École des Ponts ParisTech.
- “Méthodes qualitatives : L’entretien” (session 1) and “Analyse des données qualitatives” (session 2) at the UPE, Department of Doctoral Studies, PhD Programme in the foundations of social science research (Fondamentaux de la recherche en sciences sociales).
- At other institutions:
- “Qualité de vie au travail, une approche par la qualité du travail”, course delivered at Sciences Po Executive Education, social dialogue programme
- “Approche sociologique du coaching”, course delivered at the CELSA, Paris Sorbonne, as a part of the Master’s degree in management, organization and advising (Master 2 Management, Organisation et Conseil).
- “Le mal-être au travail. Perspectives sociologiques sur un défi contemporain”, block course for the Master’s degree in sociology (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) (2015-2016; 2016-2017).
Other scientific responsibilities:
- Co-director of the Réseau Jeunes Chercheurs Travail et Santé (GIS Gestes/EHESS) along with Camille Gasnier (Cermes, EHESS), Rémy Ponge (Printemps, UVSQ), Tessa Tcham (IRISSO, Paris-Dauphine), and Edwige Rémy (IRISSO, Paris-Dauphine).
- Member of the scientific committee of the Festival de cinéma des utopies réelles.
- Member of the RT 23 “Travail, activité, technique” office of the Association Française de Sociologie (AFS).
- Member of the RC 52 Sociology of Professional Groups of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
- Elected member of the LISIS committee since 2015.
- Member of the Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (IFRIS) since 2013.
Selected bibliography:
- Salman, Scarlett, 2019. “Towards a ‘client professionalization’ process? The case of the institutionalization of executive coaching in France”, Journal of Professions and Organization, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 286-303.
Please access the article freely by clicking on the advance articles section of the journal
- Salman, Scarlett, 2019. “Le coaching, un dispositif d’hygiène psychique au travail ?”, Les Dossiers de la DREES, Santé mentale, expériences du travail, du chômage et de la précarité, No. 38, July, p. 74-78.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2017. “Le travail et les carrières des cadres au prisme du coaching en entreprise. Vers une pacification des rapports sociaux de travail ?”, Savoir/Agir, vol. 40, No. 2, “Les cadres pris dans la gestion”, issue edited by Hélène Stevens and Laurent Willemez, p. 37-43.
⟨10.3917/sava.040.0037⟩. ⟨hal-01781104⟩
- Salman, Scarlett, 2015. “Le temps des coachs ? Trajectoires typiques d’une figure du ‘nouvel esprit du capitalisme’”, Travail et emploi, No. 143, p. 59-73.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2014. “Un coach pour battre la mesure ? La rationalisation des temporalités de travail des managers par la discipline de soi”, Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, vol. 8, No. 1, p. 97-122.
⟨10.3917/rac.022.0097⟩. ⟨halshs-01265781⟩
- Salman, Scarlett, 2008. “La fonction palliative du coaching en entreprise”, Sociologies pratiques, No. 17, “La tentation psy”, p. 43-54.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2008. “Fortune d’une catégorie : la souffrance au travail chez les médecins du travail”, Sociologie du travail, No. 50, p. 31-47.
- Salman, Scarlett, “Le coaching en entreprise est-il porteur d’une psychologisation des rapports sociaux dans l’entreprise ?”, Raison présente, No. 162, “Nouveaux aspects du travail”, issue edited by Patrick Cingolani, p. 67-82.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2003. “La carrière d’un fondateur du coaching”, Terrains et Travaux, No. 4, “Enquêtes sur l’activité économique”, p. 140-161.
Book chapters
- Salman, Scarlett, 2019. Chapter 3: “Crossing boundaries in coaching” Case 6, “The Organization as the Primary Client”, in Fatien P. & Louis D., Complex Situations in Coaching: A Critical Case-Based Approach, London, Routledge, pp. 60-69.
- Salman, Scarlett, “La gestion des frustrations de carrière des cadres par le coaching”, in Sophie Bernard, Dominique Méda, Michèle Tallard (eds), Orienter les parcours professionnels. Quand les dispositifs se mettent en action, Editions Peter Lang.
- Salman, Scarlett, Topçu, Sezin, 2015. “Expertise Profane”, in Henry Emmanuel (ed.), Dictionnaire critique de l’expertise en santé publique et en santé au travail, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 164-172.
- Salman, Scarlett, “Les ennuis du cadre : la leçon du coaching”, in Goetschel Pascale, Granger Christophe, Richard Nathalie, Venayre Sylvain (eds), L’Ennui. Histoire d’un état d’âme (XIXe-XXe siècles). Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, p. 289-299.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2017. Review: “Pascal Marichalar, Médecin du travail, médecin du patron ? L’indépendance médicale en question”, Sciences Po, Les Presses, Collection “Nouveaux Débats”, 2014. Sociologie du travail, 59, 1, January-March.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2016. Review: “Les Equilibristes. Une ethnographie du conseil en management. Paris, Presses des Mines, Collection Sciences sociales, 2015”, Réseaux, 6, 200, p. 243-246.
- Salman, Scarlett. Thesis review: “Une hygiène psychique au travail ? Genèse et usages du coaching en entreprise en France”, Revue Française de Socio-Économie, No. 13.
- Salman Scarlett, 2007. Review: “Les chantiers du manager, Denis Segrestin, Paris, Armand Colin (Sociétales, Mondes sociaux), 2004, 343 pp.”, Genèses, No. 68.
Scarlett Salman is an Associate Professor in Sociology at Paris-East University. Her research focuses on the uses of psychology in organizations and on work transformations, with a focus on leadership in capitalism, managerial professions and consulting. She studied the genesis, the professionalization and the uses of executive coaching (a book is to be published at Les Presses de Sciences Po). She also analyzed the category of “suffering at work” and its dissemination among occupational physicians. Her on-going research deals with the issue of stress at work, through three dimensions: 1) The genealogy of this issue; 2) The corporate policies promoting well-being within large firms; 3) The expertise on stress at work, its devices and its market.
Current research projects
- PI on the Psychosocial Risks and Banking Research Program, Research Project Surveillance of uncertain occupational risks (SURIPI), Food, Environment and Work Health Safety National Agency (Anses), coordination by Jean-Noël Jouzel (CSO, Sciences Po) and Jérôme Pélisse (CSO, Sciences Po).
- Coordinator of The individualization of health and safety policies in question (INDIPREV), with G. Schütz (Printemps, UVSQ/Saclay) and M. Bigi (Creapt, Cnam)
Selected references
- Salman Scarlett, 2019. Towards a “client professionalization” process ? The case of the institutionalization of executive coaching in France, Journal of Professions and Organization, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 286-303.
Please access freely the article by clicking on the advance articles section of the journal
- Salman, Scarlett, 2019. “Aux sources du coaching et de ses morales. Généalogie des relations entre psychologie et management (1930-2018)” (“At the roots of coaching and its morals. ”), Ethnologie française, XLIX, 4, p. 653-670.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2019. Chapter: “Crossing boundaries in coaching” Case 6, “The Organization as the Primary Client”, in Fatien P. & Louis D., Complex Situations in Coaching: A Critical Case-Based Approach, London, Routledge, pp. 60-69.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2015. “Le temps des coachs ? Trajectoires typiques d’une figure du ‘nouvel esprit du capitalisme’” (“Time for coaches? Typical careers of a figure of the ‘new spirit of capitalism’”). Travail et emploi, No. 143, p. 59-73.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2014. “Un coach pour battre la mesure ? La rationalisation des temporalités de travail des managers par la discipline de soi” (“A coach to beat time ? The rationalization of managers’ temporalities at work by self-discipline”). Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, vol. 8, No. 1, p. 97-122.
⟨10.3917/rac.022.0097⟩. ⟨halshs-01265781⟩
- Salman, Scarlett, 2008. “La fonction palliative du coaching en entreprise” (“The palliative function of executive coaching”). Sociologies pratiques, No. 17, “La tentation psy”, p. 43-54.
- Salman, Scarlett, 2008. “Fortune d’une catégorie : la souffrance au travail chez les médecins du travail” (“The fate of a category: ‘suffering at work’ among occupational physicians”). Sociologie du travail, No. 50, p. 31-47.