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Diego-Fernando Gómez Peña

IT Engineer, CorTexT platform

Diego is a system and computing engineer, graduated from the University of Caldas, in Colombia.

Diego is a Front-end developer with more than two years of work experience. He has worked with the Angular framework and React library for distinct projects. He has worked with and knows about SCRUM methodology, unit testing with Jest, continuous integration with Circle CI, JavaScript, GIT, and Linux.

He worked in a startup in Colombia (Taxia Life) and done some web projects improving his knowledge. He made analytics reports about frequency request of taxi services, percentage of assignment and identified the channels more used like Whatsapp, Messenger, mobile application. I used AWS Quicksight and AWS RedShift database.

During his studies, made an academic exchange at the University National of Córdoba in Córdoba, Argentina for 1 semester to get new experiences in his studies. He participated in distinct Marathons of Programming in Colombia like ‘XXX National Programming Marathon ACIS REDIS 2016 and 2017’

He is currently working as an IT engineer, a member of the Cortext team to contribute to the evolution of the platform’s applications and the web services ecosystem.




