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Séminaire GT C, Pedro Ramaciotti Morales – Jeudi 31 mars 2022 à 10h

La prochaine séance du séminaire du GT C, Sciences sociales computationnelles, aura lieu jeudi 31 mars à 10h au LISIS  et en visio.
Nous recevrons Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, du Medialab de Sciences Po.
Titre: Inferring ideological positions from social graph data: methodological challenges and applications in sociology, political sciences, and internet governance
Résumé: Despite the critiques of which they are a target of, polls and surveys remain the standard instruments for measuring « public opinion ». But recent developments in social network analysis have paved the way for the estimation of opinions using digital behavioral traces, such as digital social networks of friendship, the sharing of contents, and other choice data that can be exploited with psychometric models and network embedding methods. In this talk, I will present advances in tackling the challenges of these methods, in particular in adapting them for social settings beyond those which gave them birth, in the US socio-political system. European settings, for example, contrast with that of the US in that they do not lend themselves to descriptions using binary ontologies (such as Democrat- and Republican-leaning actors) nor with one-dimensional spatial models (e.g., ranging from most liberal to most conservative). General ideological and attitudinal estimation of individuals and entities of the digital public spaces (such as media outlets or social groups) demand multi-polar, multi-dimensional empirical spatial opinion models, which are the central topic of this talk. I will also show some applications that can be developed by tackling these challenges, including the study of the ideological dynamics of social movements, the role of ideology in mistrust and misinformation phenomena, the role of news media and influence dynamics, and in advancing the understanding of phenomena that are difficult to conceptualize and measure, such as polarization.
Quelques articles abordés dans le séminaire :
– Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro, Jean-Philippe Cointet, and Gabriel Muñoz Zolotoochin. « Unfolding the dimensionality structure of social networks in ideological embeddings. » In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, pp. 333-338. 2021.
– Ramaciotti Morales, Pedro, Jean-Philippe Cointet, Gabriel Muñoz Zolotoochin, Antonio Fernández Peralta, Gerardo Iñiguez, and Armin Pournaki. « Inferring Attitudinal Spaces in Social Networks. » (2022).
– Cointet, Jean-Philippe, Pedro Ramaciotti Morales, Dominique Cardon, Caterina Froio, Andrei Mogoutov, Benjamin Ooghe, and Guillaume Plique. « De quelle (s) couleur (s) sont les Gilets jaunes? Plonger des posts Facebook dans un espace idéologique latent. » Statistique et Société 9, no. 1-2 (2021): 79-107.