Ritwick GHOSH de Arizona State University, invité au LISIS à partir du 11 octobre 2021
Le LISIS a le plaisir d’accueillir Ritwick GHOSH de Arizona State University, à partir du 12 octobre 2021 et ce pour un séjour de trois semaines.
Il vient de rejoindre ASU et plus précisément le New Carbon Economy Consortium.
Une séance de présentation de ses travaux et de discussion sera organisée le 22 octobre de 14h à 16h au LISIS.
Pour en savoir plus :
Ritwick Ghosh is a Sloan Foundation funded Research Fellow at Arizona State University (ASU) and is part of an inter-university collaborative called the New Carbon Economy Consortium (NCEC). He received his PhD in Natural Resources and the Environment from Cornell University in 2018 and completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Environmental Studies at New York University in 2021. He also has a Masters in Public Administration from Cornell University. Ritwick has worked in multiple international organizations including the UN Environmental Program’s “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity” (TEEB) initiative and in private companies such as the Centennial Group.
His main research focus is on the role of information in coordinating novel policy instruments such as carbon markets, biodiversity offsetting, and payments for ecosystem services. Theoretically, Ritwick integrates work in Ecological Economics and Science and Technology Studies. Using case studies, Ritwick shows how systems of environmental accounting and valuation including new forms of digitization come to structure novel policy instruments, the processes through which information infrastructures are institutionalized and contested, and the role of bureaucracies in administering data-driven governance. Geographically, his work is wide-ranging from projects in US, Indonesia, Europe, and India. His work has been published in top-tier journals including the Journal of Environmental Management, Cultural Economy, Annals of American Association of Geographers, Rural Studies, and Land Use Policy.
New Carbon Economy Consortium
The New Carbon Economy Consortium is an alliance of universities, national labs, and NGOs working in partnership with industry leaders to build a carbon-conscious world. The New Carbon Economy Consortium (NCEC) evolved from the premise that rapid development, assessment and deployment of carbon capture technologies and practices requires a new way for universities, national laboratories and NGO’s to work together. The current Director of NCEC is Peter Schlosser (Arizona State University) and the Social Science Lead is David Guston (Arizona State University).
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