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Séminaire « Politiques des sciences » : Scientific Babel : how science was done before and after global english

Invité : 
Michael Gordin, professeur d’histoire moderne et contemporaine à l’université de Princeton

The book « Scientific Babel » is a history of the languages in which science has been done, focusing on the period from 1850 to the present. At the beginning of that period, elite scientific publishing (meaning natural sciences), was almost equal in English, French, and German. The book then traces the rise of Russian as a junior partner, and then how the dynamics of the two world wars severely damage German’s status and then the Cold War raises Russian.

« Scientific Babel : how science was done before and after global english », paru en 2014 aux éditions de l’University Chicago Press (lien).


Lieu : Salle M001, ENPC
Horaire : 14h00 – 16h30