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Liste complète de nos publications et communications

1598 documents

  • Allison Marie Loconto. ‘Planting Seeds’ for ‘Good Growth’: Sustainability Discourses in Multi-National Agrifood Companies. 14. World Congress of Rural Sociology : Sustainable and Just Rural Transitions: Connections and Complexities, Aug 2016, Toronto, Canada. 2016. ⟨hal-01369360⟩
  • Nicolas Baya-Laffite. La mundialización de las mejores técnicas disponibles europeas para el gobierno del riesgo industrial bajo el signo del conflicto . VIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios del Trabajo (ALAST), Aug 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ⟨halshs-01783558⟩
  • Quentin Toffolini, Marie-Helene Jeuffroy, Lorène Prost. How “fundamental knowledge” supports the cropping system redesign by farmers?. 12. European IFSA Symposium : Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways, International Farming Systems Association (IFSA). AUT., Jul 2016, Newport, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01784890⟩
  • Marianne Cerf, Lorène Prost, Bertrand Omon, Jean Marie Lusson, Marie-Sophie Petit. Upscaling of more sustainable cropping systems: a framework to analyse and support intermediation processes.. 12. European IFSA Symposium : Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways, International Farming Systems Association (IFSA). AUT., Jul 2016, Newport, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01781904⟩
  • Fanny Pellissier, Alix Levain. Reducing the use of pesticides in europe. Birth (and death?) of a transition policy. 3. ISA forum of sociology, International Sociological Association (ISA). INT., Jul 2016, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-01362493⟩
  • Yuna Chiffoleau, Allison Marie Loconto. Labelling social innovation from Namibia to France, lessons from participatory guarantee systems. 3. International Sociological Association Forum, Jul 2016, Vienna, Austria. , 2016. ⟨hal-01595314⟩
  • Bilel Benbouzid, Daniel Ventre. Crime en ligne. Réseaux : communication, technologie, société, 2016/3 (197-198), pp.9-30, 2016, ⟨10.3917/res.197.0009⟩. ⟨hal-04567347⟩
  • Patricia Laurens, Christian Le Bas, Antoine Schoen, Stéphane Lhuillery. Technological contribution of MNEs to the growth of energy-greentech sector in the early post-Kyoto period. RIODD 2016, Jul 2016, Saint-Étienne, France. ⟨hal-01349964⟩
  • Patricia Laurens, Christian Le Bas, Antoine Schoen, Stéphane Lhuillery. Technological contribution of MNEs to the growing energy greentech sector in the early post-Kyoto period. 11ème congrès du Rédeau International de recherche sur les Organisations et le développement Durable (RIODD), Jul 2016, Saint Etienne, France. ⟨hal-01775151⟩
  • Marianne Cerf, Paul Olry, Sophie Duhamel. De la potentialisation à la réélaboration des situations de travail, le cas des conseillers agricoles.. Actualités de la Recherche en Education et Formation, Association de la Recherche en Education et Formation., Jul 2016, Mons, Belgique. 1 p. ⟨hal-02307752⟩