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Liste complète de nos publications et communications

1598 documents

  • Catherine Paradeise, Jean-Claude Thoenig, Stéphanie Mignot-Gerard, Emilie Biland, Gaële Goastellec, et al.. Pertinence et excellence en gestion. Yamina Bettahar; Marie-Jeanne Choffel-Mailfert. Les universités au risque de l'Histoire, Presses universitaires de Nancy, pp.475-502, 2014, Histoire des institutions scientifiques, 9782814302020. ⟨halshs-01143591⟩
  • Clare Shelley-Egan, Douglas K. R. Robinson. Seeking out paths of responsible development: Exploring the wicked problem facing industrial actors.. Nazrul Islam. Nanotechnology: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Directions, Nova Science Publishers, 2014, Nanotechnology Science and Technology, 978-1-63117-567-1. ⟨hal-01710543⟩
  • Emilia Chantre, Marianne Le Bail, Marianne Cerf. Une diversité de configurations d'apprentissage en situation de travail pour réduire l’usage des engrais et pesticides agricoles. Activités, 2014, 11 (2), pp.4-25. ⟨hal-01781898⟩
  • Aurélie Delemarle, Philippe Larédo. Governing radical change through the emergence of a governance arrangement. The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems - Explaining Change, 2014, Eu-SPRI Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy series 978 1 78471 018 7. ⟨hal-01273361⟩
  • Douglas K. R. Robinson, Wouter Boon. Industry scenarios: field level business models and user-contexts in medical additive manufacturing and biofabrication. 5th edition of the “Future-oriented technology analysis" (FTA), 2014, Brussels, Belgium. ⟨hal-01711232⟩
  • Pierre-Benoit Joly, Sylvain Pellerin, Sylvie Recous, . Département Ea, . Asirpa (analyse Socio‐économique Des Impacts de La Recherche Publique Agronomique). Méta‐cas – Impact des recherches de l’INRA sur la fertilisation minérale en France. [Rapport Technique] auto-saisine. 2014, 20 p. ⟨hal-01605074⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto, Marc Barbier. Transitioning Sustainability: Performing ‘governing by standards’. The Governance of Socio-Technical Systems: Theorising and Explaining Change, Edward Edgar, 2014, 9781784710187. ⟨10.4337/9781784710194.00013⟩. ⟨hal-01598831⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto, Oliver von Hagen. New Drivers Of Sustainability: the Integral role of Intermediaries in enabling sustainability standards. [0] EC-10-174.E, auto-saisine. 2014, 32 p. ⟨hal-01285253⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto, Eve Fouilleux. Politics of private regulation: ISEAL and the shaping of transnational sustainability governance. Regulation & Governance, 2014, 8 (2), pp.166-185. ⟨10.1111/rego.12028⟩. ⟨hal-01123308⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto. Sustaining an Enterprise, Enacting SustainaibliTea. Science, Technology, and Human Values, 2014, 39 (6), ⟨10.1177/0162243914531989⟩. ⟨hal-01285249⟩