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Liste complète de nos publications et communications

1598 documents

  • Marianne Cerf, Paul Olry, Sophie Duhamel. Professional development at the workplace : lessons from a didactic intervention within a farmers’ advisory organization in France. EARLI SIG, Sep 2018, Genève, Switzerland. ⟨hal-01929018⟩
  • Victor Potier. Patrice Flichy, Les Nouvelles Frontières du travail à l’ère numérique. Questions de communication, 2018, 33, pp.376-379. ⟨10.4000/questionsdecommunication.12969⟩. ⟨halshs-03121835⟩
  • Ying Huang, Alan L. Porter, Scott W. Cunningham, Douglas K. R. Robinson, Jianhua Liu, et al.. A technology delivery system for characterizing the supply side of technology emergence: Illustrated for Big Data & Analytics. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, 130, pp.165-176. ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2017.09.012⟩. ⟨hal-01710523⟩
  • C. Granjou. Soil, carbon, and the promises of negative emission technologies. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Study of Science, Aug 2018, Sydney, Australia. ⟨hal-02608328⟩
  • Marianne Cerf. Twists and turns of interdisciplinary work in research projects: which conditions and achievements?. 67. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Aug 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 8 p., 2018. ⟨hal-02289517⟩
  • Lidia Chavinskaia. On the international transferability of genomic selection. 69th Annual Meeting of EAAP, Aug 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia. ⟨10.3920/978-90-8686-871-1⟩. ⟨hal-04512946⟩
  • Marie Chizallet, Flore Barcellini, Lorène Prost. Understanding and supporting the design of famers work systems: the implementation of the “Chronicle of Change” method. 20.congress of international ergonomics association (IEA), Aug 2018, Florennce, Italy. 794 p., ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-96080-7⟩. ⟨hal-02508167⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto, Eve Fouilleux, Guillaume Ollivier, Stephane Bellon. Definitions, interests and institutions: exploring the circulation of ‘agroecology’ knowledge in FAO’s global dialogue. 17. Annual Meeting of the Science and Democracy Network, Jul 2018, Munich, Germany. 19 p. ⟨hal-02788321⟩
  • Evelyne Lhoste, Marc Barbier. Organizing inclusion: getting through the borders of innovative communities. EASST2018: Making Science, Technology and Society together, European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). INT., Jul 2018, Lancaster, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01876818⟩
  • Lidia Chavinskaia. Keep diversity - make standards! Interbull as a space of international commensurability for cattle breeding standards. EASST 2018, Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society together, Lancaster UK, 25-28th July 2018, Jul 2018, Lancaster, France. ⟨hal-04512937⟩