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Liste complète de nos publications et communications

1598 documents

  • Jean-Marc Weller, Frédérique Pallez, Emmanuel Coblence. Design Approaches in the Public Sector: Problematizations, Actors and Transformations in the French Administration. 3rd International Conference on Public Policy , Jun 2017, Singapore, Singapore. ⟨hal-01541582⟩
  • Jean-Marc Weller, Frédérique Pallez, Emmanuel Coblence. Design Approaches in the Public Sector: Problematizations, Actors and Transformations in the French Administration. 3rd International Conference on Public Policy Design Approaches in the Public Sector, Jun 2017, Singapore, Singapore. ⟨hal-01787038⟩
  • Emmanuel Coblence, Frédérique Pallez, Elsa Vivant, Jean-Marc Weller. Lab or No-Lab? Exploring institutional trajectories of public innovation teams . 3rd International Conference on Public Policy, International Public Policy Association, Jun 2017, Singapore, Singapore. ⟨hal-01484093⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto. Sustainability Along All Value Chains: Identifying and Promoting Local Initiatives Linking Small-Scale Producers and Consumers. Sustainable Food Systems for All Catalyzing Change through Multi-Stakeholder Action 1st Global Conference of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme, Jun 2017, Pretoria, South Africa. ⟨hal-01603222⟩
  • Nadine Arnold. Soziale Nachhaltigkeit am Rand oder die organisationale Rationalisierung im globalen Süden. Kongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Jun 2017, Zürich, Switzerland. ⟨hal-01786860⟩
  • Jean-Marc Weller. Le sociologue et le bureau. Quelques perspectives de recherche. Entrer par les bureaux de la bureaucratie. Perspectives ethnographiques., Marie Alauzen; Quentin Dufour, Jun 2017, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01541558⟩
  • Bruno Dorin, Pierre Benoit Joly. A political economy of global agricultural modelling. Mainstream approaches and the Agribiom venture. Savoirs de l’anticipation et action publique : Modèles, prévisions et scénarios dans les politiques de l’énergie et de l’agriculture, Jun 2017, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01684014⟩
  • Radka Prichystalova, Jean-Baptiste Fini, Leonardo Trasande, Martine Bellanger, Barbara Demeneix, et al.. Comparison of methods for calculating the health costs of endocrine disrupters: a case study on triclosan. Environmental Health, 2017, 16 (1), pp.55. ⟨10.1186/s12940-017-0265-x⟩. ⟨hal-04364633⟩
  • Antoine Schoen, Patricia Laurens, Alfredo Yegros, Philippe Larédo. Evolving technological capabilities of firms; Complexity, divergence, and stagnation. EU-SPRI Conference, Jun 2017, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-01775203⟩
  • Patricia Laurens, Antoine Schoen, Alfredo Yegros, Philippe Larédo. Production of knowledge in European large firms in Chemicals and Pharma/biotech sectors : where is the knowledge produced ?. EU-SPRI, Jun 2017, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-01775192⟩