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Liste complète de nos publications et communications

1598 documents

  • Allison Marie Loconto, Anne Sophie Poisot, Pilar Santacoloma. Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture. EkoFjera, Association des producteurs biologiques de la Dalmatie (Dalmatia EKO). HRV., May 2017, Split, Croatia. ⟨hal-01603168⟩
  • Nadine Arnold, Allison Marie Loconto. Serving the perfect fruit from the tropics: organizing (in)visibilities and creating additives. 12. Organization Studies Workshop: Food Organizing Matters: Paradoxes, Problems and Potentialities, Organization Studies. GRC., May 2017, Chania, Greece. 27 p. ⟨hal-01585718⟩
  • Jean Foyer, Stefan C Aykut, Edouard Morena Morena. Introduction. COP21 and the "climatisation" of Global Debates. Aykut Stefan; Foyer Jean; Morena Edouard. Globalising the Climate. COP21 and the climatisation of global debates,, Routledge, pp.1-18, 2017. ⟨halshs-01583087⟩
  • Irina Ovchinnikova, Liana Ermakova, Josiane Mothe. Do frequent media words worsen query expansion?. International Scientific Conference Digital Humanities: Resources, Methods, and Research ; a part of the Perm Natural Science forum (2017), May 2017, Perm, Russia. pp. 100-104. ⟨hal-01913972⟩
  • Patricia Laurens, Antoine Schoen, Alfredo Yegros, Philippe Larédo. Production of knowledge in European large firms in Chemicals and Pharma/biotech sectors : where is the knowledge produced ?. 7th ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting, May 2017, Mannheim, Germany. ⟨hal-01775187⟩
  • Patrick Steyaert. Conclusion du carrefour de l'innovation agronomique "captages d'eau: accompagner les transitions dans les territoires agricoles". CIAG : Carrefour de l'innovation agronomique : Environnement Captages d’eau potable : accompagner les transitions dans les territoires agricoles, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA., May 2017, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-01787879⟩
  • Morgan Meyer. “Participating means accepting”: debating and contesting synthetic biology. New Genetics and Society, 2017, 36 (2), pp.118 - 136. ⟨10.1080/14636778.2017.1320942⟩. ⟨hal-01623519⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto. The knowledge politics of land use models. Emerging communities and current controversies. Laboratório de Gestão de Serviços Ambientais (LAGESA), Dep. Engenharia de Produção Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), May 2017, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. ⟨hal-01603165⟩
  • Quentin Chance, Morgan Meyer. L'agriculture libre Les outils agricoles à l'épreuve de l'open source. Techniques et culture, 2017, 67, pp.1-23. ⟨hal-02374528⟩
  • David Demortain. Designs on Controversy. A history of risk governance at the US EPA. Life Sciences [q-bio]. Université Paris-Est (COMUE), 2017. ⟨tel-02789890⟩