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Liste complète de nos publications et communications

1598 documents

  • Patricia Laurens, Christian Le Bas. L’innovation inverse : clarification conceptuelle et essai d’évaluation quantitative. Mondes en Développement, 2016, 173 (1), ⟨10.3917/med.173.0047⟩. ⟨hal-01775118⟩
  • Pierre Benoit Joly, Laurence Colinet, Ariane Gaunand, Stephane Lemarié, Mireille Matt. Agricultural research impact assessment: issues, methods and challenges. [Technical Report] auto-saisine. 2016, 51 p. ⟨hal-01431457⟩
  • Douglas K. R. Robinson, Philippe Larédo, Axel Lagnau. Additive Manufacturing in Transition: Mobilising framing and overflowing to understand the creation and normalisation of protected spaces. SPRU 50th Anniversary conference, 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01711240⟩
  • Quentin Toffolini, Marie-Helene Jeuffroy, Lorène Prost. Indicators used by farmers to design agricultural systems: a survey. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2016, 36 (5), ⟨10.1007/s13593-015-0340-z⟩. ⟨hal-01264204⟩
  • Éric Dagiral, Jean-Noël Jouzel, Arnaud Mias, Ashveen Peerbaye. Mesurer pour prévenir ?. Terrains et Travaux : Revue de Sciences Sociales, 2016-1, pp.5-20, 2016, ⟨10.3917/tt.028.0005⟩. ⟨halshs-03896166⟩
  • Pierre Alphandéry, David Demortain, Nicolas Fortané, Séverine Gojard, Anne Lhuissier, et al.. La sociologie dans le département SAE2. Périmètre et questions de recherche 2003-2016. [Interne] 2016, pp.51. ⟨hal-02797447⟩
  • Severine Deretz, François Casabianca, Adel Selmi. Conséquences de la mise en œuvre de la sélection génomique. Jeu de rôles. Sélection génomique : Théorie et mise en oeuvre en relation avec les programmes d'amélioration, Formasciences, FPN, INRA, 255 p., 2016, Ecoles-chercheurs INRA, 978-2-7380-1387-3. ⟨hal-02800024⟩
  • Isabelle Arpin, Marc Barbier, Guillaume Ollivier, Céline Granjou. Everybody on board? New insights into Boundary Organizations from the construction process of the IPBES. Ecology and Society, 2016, 21 (4), pp.11. ⟨halshs-01476195⟩
  • Gaston Agossou, Gualbert Gbehounou, Godfrey Nzamujo, Anne Sophie Poisot, Allison Marie Loconto, et al.. The Songhai Model of Integrated Production. Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture : Exploring how innovations in market institutions encourage sustainable agriculture in developing countries, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations., 2016, 978-92-5-109327-6. ⟨hal-02795914⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto, Marcello Vicovaro. Why and how market institutions create incentives for adopting sustainable agricultural practices. Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations., 2016, 978-92-5-109327-6. ⟨hal-01369350⟩