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Liste complète de nos publications et communications

1598 documents

  • Allison Marie Loconto, Marcello Vicovaro, Pilar Santacoloma, Anne Sophie Poisot. How do markets encourage the adoption of sustainable practices? The role of institutional innovation in developing countries.. 2016. ⟨hal-01285275⟩
  • Julien Guibourdenche, Béatrice Cahour, Mariane Cerf. Développement durable : quelles évolutions et contributions de l'ergonomie?. 51. Congrès de la SELF : Ergonomie(S), Ergonome(S) – Quelles évolutions à la croisée d’une discipline et d’un métier ?, 2016, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-02881509⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto, Anne Sophie Poisot, Pilar Santacoloma, Marcello Vicovaro. Institutional Innovations in Ecological Organic Agriculture in Africa. Achieving Social and Economic Development in Africa through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations., 2016. ⟨hal-01594727⟩
  • Isabelle Arpin, Marc Barbier, Guillaume Ollivier, Céline Granjou. Institutional entrepeneurship and techniques of inclusiveness in the creation of the intergovernmental platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ecology and Society, 2016, 21 (4), 11 p. ⟨10.5751/ES-08644-210411⟩. ⟨hal-02633182⟩
  • Sibylle Bui, Aurélie Cardona, Claire Lamine, Marianne Cerf. Sustainability transitions: insights on processes of niche-regime interaction and regime reconfiguration in agri-food systems. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 48, pp.92-103. ⟨10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.10.003⟩. ⟨hal-01415260⟩
  • Allison Marie Loconto, Oliver von Hagen. Influencing sustainable sourcing decisions in agri-food supply chains. [0] MAR-15-72.E, auto-saisine. 2016, 31 p. ⟨hal-01604062⟩
  • Alix Levain. L'élu local, fragile médiateur face aux crises environnementales. CNRS/GRALE. Droit et gestion des collectivités territoriales 2016, Editions du Moniteur, 2016, 978-2-281-13212-0. ⟨hal-01789491⟩
  • Laurette Paravano, Lorène Prost, Raymond Reau. Observatoire et tableau de bord pour un pilotage dynamique des pertes de nitrate dans une aire d’alimentation de captage. Agronomie, Environnement & Sociétés, 2016, 6 (1), pp.127-133. ⟨hal-01572612⟩
  • Douglas K. R. Robinson, Philippe Laredo, Antoine Schoen. Evaluating socio-economic impacts of marine biotechnology: The case of Brown Algae and Brittany. General assembly of the European Marine Biotechnology Research Infrastructure Cluster (EMBRIC), Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn , 2016, Napoli, Italy. ⟨hal-01711269⟩
  • Mariana Mazzucato, Douglas K. R. Robinson. Directing vs. Facilitating the Economic Development of Low Earth Orbit. . Chapter 5 in Besha P. and MacDonald, A. eds (2016) Economic Development of Low-Earth Orbit. NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of Communications, Washington, DC 20546 , 2016. ⟨hal-01710541⟩